Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Opposition of the Quraysh to the message of the Prophet Muhammad

Abstract The period that the Prophet Muhammad spent in Mecca is a critical component of the Islam religion. This essay will examine the time with the intention to assess the impact of the elements arrayed against the acceptance of the Prophet. The evidence presented found components in the establishment feared change and loss of power more than any other factor. This study will be of use to any researcher studying this period. 1. Introduction The opposition of the Quraysh to the Prophet Muhammad is a pivotal moment in history that has influenced the manner in which Islam has evolved. This paper will assess the impact of the factors that the opponents to the Prophet used in their opposition Beginning with a brief overview of the Quraysh and their position prior to the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, this work will illustrate the fundaments of the opposition. Following this segment with an examination of the events that took place in Mecca as the Prophet attempted to spread his message will allow for a demonstration of impact. The combination of the first elements will allow for a clear illustration of the significance of the factors that drove those that opposed the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. In the end this essay will have examined past practice, integration efforts and overall results in order to assess the impact that the opposition of the Quraysh to the message of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca has had on Islam. 2 Background2.1 The Young Prophet MuhammadThe Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca on the 12th of the lunar mother Rabi’l. It is known that he was of the noble family Quraysh, yet he was not taught to read or write and often tended sheep. His tribe can be traced back to Ishmael, a son of Abraham. It was the high capacity for moral dependability that separated the early Prophet Muhammad from the Ibn Kathir, 2000. The life of the prophet Muhammad : a translation of Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya / translated from the Arabic printed text of Mustafa other traders. During this period Muslims believe he worked and built a sterling reputation based on his integrity, truthfulness and overall dependability. From this recognition to truth and honesty came the youthful title of al-Amin, or the Faithful. From this early age as an emerging merchant, his hatred of idolatry was well known. Further, despite the fact that Mecca was known for their consumption of spirits, the character of the young Prophet was such that not a drop was known to pass his lips. his divine calling.2.2 The QurayshAfter waging a bloody war against the tribe of Jarham, Qasiy, Ibn Kulaab established the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. This fact led to the Quraysh being in a position of considerable influence in Mecca during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad. A highly respected family that lived close to the Kabah and were therefore caretakers of Allah’s house was only one of the reasons the population of Mecca revered the Quraysh family so. It was common for virtually any and every request of the Quraysh to be accomplished quickly and thoroughly. The Quraysh maintained two separate major merchandise caravans that travelled through Syria and Yemen, which endeared the clan to the city Mecca and entrenched their power into such that many Arabs would not consider making a move while the family stood against it. Rooting themselves ever more firmly in the fundament of society was the Quraysh role in maintaining the safety of the oppressed which in turn aided their perception of benevolence and wisdom. In a very real sense the Quraysh became rich and powerful by being the very best at trade and safeguarding the house of Allah. With the rejection of Islam by the tribe of Quraysh of Mecca there were virtually no other Arab tribes that were willing to embrace Islam. The world waited upon the city of Mecca to accept or break the Prophet Muhammad. 3 The Quraysh Opposition to the Prophet Muhammad As one of the prominent trading and mercantile houses in Mecca during the period of the Prophet Muhammad, there are several layers to the position of opposition that the Quraysh took against his message. On an economic, social and judicial level the ruling class felt threatened by the emerging form of religion. During the time of the initial emergence of the Prophet, the city of Mecca was enjoying a relative period of peace and prosperity. With the Quraysh firmly in control of the pagans that were drawn to the city for religious purposes, there was a perception of reliance on the income from the trade. As the Prophet Muhammad first emerged and firmly denounced the multitude of Idols and Idolaters in the city, many Muslims felt a sense of impending change. The message of the Prophet was feared to put the traders at odds with one of the strongest sources of income in the area. This dependence on trade was a hallmark of the family Quraysh effort to maintain power and sustain a high leve l of political influence in the region. This factor of trade became a primary component of the family Quraysh resistance to the message of Islam as they sought a means to secure their wealth and status, not endanger them both. This long time power in Mecca had been created from a centre of trade and commerce, which in turn provided the family with reputation for integrity good works. The factor of pride was a central element in the Quraysh repudiation of the Prophet Muhammad and his sacred message. The changes that were sought by the emerging Prophet would have cast a form of aspersion on the forefathers of the family, and that was considered a stain upon their honour and therefore unacceptable. It was the current generation of the family Quraysh intention to follow strictly in the footsteps of their ancestors in order to maintain the propriety of their lineage. This sense of familial obligation was reflected in the Arab culture as each of the prominent families and tribes of the larger group continually competed for power and influence within the structure. A very real fear of the loss of power was at the root of much of the family Quraysh denial of the faith. The birth of such a powerful Prophet would bring respect and honour to his division of the tribe and several internal factions had no wish to follow the sub-tribe to which the Prophet Muhammad belonged. Th is factor alone was enough to generate a substantial amount of negativity form the associated tribes. There were several areas of social responsibility that the Prophet Muhammad taught that were at odds with the administration of the period, which in turn caused even further dissention and denial by the family Quraysh. In every case the emerging message from the rising power was teaching a transformation of the current societal structure, which was very frightening to those in power. Included among the many sections with which the Quraysh family took issue were the equality of tolerance aspects that spoke to the core of humanity and spirituality within the person. The Prophet Muhammad taught that it was right to be both generous and merciful to all, including the weak and destitute. Further, it was of God to show companionship to those that were considered low born and furtive. In a very real way, the Prophet Muhammad was teaching the Muslim population that the Quraysh family was not of true religion and it could be seen in their day to day actions. This fact also contributed to the initial growth of Islam through the lower strata of Meccan society. There was a very real perception that the emerging message was in direct opposition to the entitlement that the Quraysh felt that they had earned throughout the generations. Many historians note the fact that Quraysh were commonly thought to feel themselves as being better, or above, the common person.Therefore the resistance to impose a method of change that ran counter to their entire fundament came naturally. Driving much of the uncertainty surrounding the Prophet Muhammad and his message of Islam was the fear the new method would cause a core breakup of the Meccan society. Not only did the family Quraysh have their material wealth and lifestyle to lose, there were the accompanying political and religious appointments that would be lost as well. This factor of continual loss of the part of the powerful Quraysh family did not provide any path to acceptance.3.1 Methods of OppositionThe Quraysh family took the time to carefully consider and plan their rejection of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. There was a very real sense that this emerging threat to their power needed to be dealt with in a methodical manner. To this end, the efforts to discredit and vilify the Prophet Muhammad took on new shapes that had never before been utilized. The Quraysh family had influential people close to the Prophet through the ties of familial bonds formally reject his teachings. The element of denial by the family communicated in clear and certain terms that even though the Quraysh were of the same blood as the Prophet Muhammad, they did not speak the same message. This was a cornerstone of the campaign to destroy his message. His closest relative would publicly humiliate the Prophet in an attempt to further discredit not only him, but his message in front of the assembled crowds. Accusing him of lying, the assembled would fling dirt on his face and chest in a display of utter contempt in a show of denial. This was at the hands of those that had previous to his message, held the Prophet Muhammad as one of the most trustworthy and upright of men. The drastic change was in direct response to the threat that the family Quraysh felt his message held for their lifestyle. Another method adopted in order to diminish the acceptance of the Prophet Muhammad rested in the Quraysh painting the teachings as being an innate rejection of their own ancestors. With the cessation of the Al-Lat and he Al-Izza as well as cease seeking assistance from the Jinn, there came a clear division of interest for the Quraysh family which rested their power in tradition. The animosity of the family is further illustrated as they went so far as to reject the ties of kin to the Prophet, despite the fact that he only sought to protect himself from their taunts and fallacies. As the ranks of the Prophet’s followers continued to grow several members of the ruling merchant class turned to money or power as a possible incentive to stop the message of Islam. Despite his being feted by the very richest and most powerful among the ruler of Mecca there was no method to be found for reconciling the emerging religion with the need for power. As each method of assault upon the message of the Prophet was rebuffed, there was a clear perception of building dismay to be seen in the increasingly violent and abusive reactions of the Quraysh family. It became common for the ruling class to maim and torture the lower class in an attempt to sway them from their growing beliefs. There were concerted efforts to take every element of comfort away from those that would refuse to abandon these new and emerging traditions. As a result of the considered and well financed attacks the life of the Prophet Muhammad during this period is cited as extraordinarily hard. With a perception of being a madman and outcast from his own family few people were likely to accept either him or his message. It became common for these disturbances to force the Prophet to run bleeding from his spot, and in turn his message was never fully delivered. As a final method of denial, the Quraysh family sought to turn the very strength of the Prophet, his religion against him. Creating a test of sorts with the added element of the acceptance of Islam is he could answer the questions, the family felt their scholarship would be the true means to discredit the faith. The Muslim belief cites the wisdom of his learning as enabling the Prophet Muhammad able to overcome this test and prove himself. 4 Conclusion The opposition of the Quraysh Family to the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad is a critical lesson in history. With a family that was firmly entrenched, the Quraysh, in power there was an established pattern of expectations in place. As the Prophet Muhammad, a member of this same family, grew to manhood he began to teach that the idols that were prevalent in the city took away from the spiritual purity of the region. This attack on the very cornerstone of regional commerce that the Quraysh family subsisted on was the first round in a very bitter battle to deny the Prophet and all of his teachings. The family Quraysh utilized extreme methods in their desire to mute the Prophet Muhammad. From public familial repudiation, to humiliation and shaming they sought to utterly and completely discredit the Prophet in order to maintain their hold both the commerce and religious establishment of the Meccan society. As the followers of Islam grew in number so did the family Quraysh issues with the calls for equality and tolerance. This fact continued to fuel the animosity of the family against the Prophet Muhammad. This period of life in the Prophet Muhammad is both heroic and demonstrative. Not only did he rise above the petty societal limitations to preach his message, he continued to do this despite his loss of almost everything he held dear. 5 Bibliography Ali, A. Y. 2000. The Holy Qura?n. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. Ali, M. 1947. The living thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad. London: Cassell. Azzam, L. and Gouverneur, A. 1985. The life of the prophet Muhammad. London: Islamic Texts Society. Basit, A. 2012. The global Muslim community at a crossroads. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger. Cohn, J. 2012 Muhammad: Prophet of Islam. New York, NY. Oxford University Press. Hashmi, S. 2003. The Qur’an and tolerance: An interpretive essay on Verse 5: 48. Journal of Human Rights, 2 (1), pp. 81–103. Ibn Hisha?m, ?. A. and Ibn Ish?a?k?, M. 1955. The life of Muhammad. London: Oxford University Press. Ibn Kathir, 2000. The life of the prophet Muhammad : a translation of Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya / translated from the Arabic printed text of Mustafa ‘Abd al-Wahid by Trevor Le Gassick, v. 1 Garnet, 1998-2000, p. 278-310. Mcauliffe, J. D. 2006. The Cambridge companion to the Qur?a?n. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Peters, F. E. 1994. Mecca. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Rahman, F. 1976. Pre-foundations of the Muslim Community in Mecca. Studia Islamica, (43), pp. 5–24. Ramadan, T. 2007. In the footsteps of the prophet. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Rubin, U. 1995. The eye of the beholder. Princeton, N.J.: Darwin Press. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Eating Too Much Meat Will Kill You Essay

Bill Cosby once stated, â€Å"Did you ever see the customers in health-food stores? They are pale, skinny people who look half dead. In a steak house, you see robust, ruddy people. They’re dying, of course, but they look terrific.† On average, Americans consume about 8 oz. of meat a day, twice the amount as the rest of the world; about one-sixth of the total meat consumed, U.S being less than one-twentieth of the population. Meat is generally delicious, contains rich sources of proteins and minerals. Some nutritional diet programs like the Atkins Diet have linked certain types of meat-based diets to weight loss. On the contrary, eating too much meat has been linked to certain type of cancers, high cholesterol and an increased risk of contracting a foodborne illness. Americans need to recognize that diets high in meat increases the cancer risk and other health issues. Evidence suggested that consuming meat could damage the body. In a country known for its love for hambur gers and steak, consumers need to cut down on their meat for a healthy life. Consumers also need to understand grilling meat increase the risk of cancer. Part of the solution is eating healthy, but consumers also should be aware of what they’re eating. The big issue in America is quantity. Eating meat and fast-food meat on a daily basis for seven days a week, 365 days a year, is a big reason why the risk for cancer and other health diseases is dangerously high in U.S. United States slaughters more than 10 billion land animals every year (Freston 802), and the market research firm Packed Facts stated Americans spends 142 billion dollar on beef, chicken, pork, lamb at market retails. Eating too much red meat has been linked to increased risk of death from cancer and heart disease, according to a study from American Cancer Society, the more red meat you eat will increase the risk for cancer. A Journal published by the American Medical Association reported a 20-year study of nearly 149,000 adults between the ages of 50 and 74. Researchers examine the risk according to how much red meat, poultry, or fish the people had eaten. Researchers looked at how many people develop colon cancer after the study. The results were 30% to 40% are more likely to develop cancer in the lower part of the colon. People who ate the most processed meats were 50% more likely to develop colon cancer (Parish 6). Eating just three ounces meat a day increases the consumer’s chance of dying by 13 percent, and 20 percent increase if eating processed meat, like bacon and hot dogs. But it doesn’t mean we should completely cut out meat in our diet; these statistics demonstrates that the less meat you eat, the better. Consuming meat damages the body. According to Dr. Oz, from the Dr. Oz Show, eating a steak dinner can take two to three days to get out of your intestines (par. 3). Red meat takes more than 24 hours to completely digest. In the mean time, it is in your intestine rotting at 98 degrees, sending toxins through the body. Eating any food that does not completely digest will ruin your health. What happens is that the human stomach acids are not made to break meat down efficiently because of its high fat and protein contents. The body lacks the enzymes that digest proteins in the stomach. Protein digestion mainly takes place in the first section of the small intestines where the pancreas secretes the types of digestive enzymes to help break down nutrients into energy and allow the nutrients molecules enter the bloodstream. Hence, meat takes longer as it has to pass into the stomach and the intestines, opposed to carbohydrates, which are broken down easily by saliva and the stomach. Although red meat is digestible than any other food sources such as rice and vegetable, it remains in the digestive system for a longer period of time, leaving the meat to rot in your intestines. Dr Klein believes that animal protein is the primary cause for the inflammation of the intestines because meat rots in your stomach (4). It explains why eating animal protein for a long period of time can increase the risk of colon cancer. Also the kidneys work to remove excess protein from your body. Eating too much protein can stress out the kidney, leading to kidney damage. Grilling meat is a method that most people are familiar with. Grilling is part of American culture; it brings family and friends together for the holidays like Independence Day. Grilling is a method of cooking food hot and fast on your grill. Burgers, poultry, beef, seafood are typically grilled. Grilling is actually a much healthier option than frying food because it is low fat and you can grill food without adding oil on them. But unfortunately, grilling food may potentially introduce the risk for cancer. Those juicy hamburgers, especially the charred ones contains cancer causing chemical called carcinogen. When you grill meat, some of the fat drips down to the charcoal or flame and the smoke carry the carcinogen known heterocyclic amines (HCA ) and polycyclic armomatic hydrocarbons (PAH) to form. These compounds have been shown to affect our DNA and might cause cancer. PAH is the same smoke from forest fires, coal burning, car exhaust and smoking. Exposure to high amounts of PAH is dangerous to your health and long term exposure increase the risk of cancer. According to 2007 study in Epidemiology, women with high intakes of grilled, barbecued or smoked meats over their lifetime had a 74 percent chance of developing breast cancer (373). It is also important to not that these women has low intake of fruits and vegetables. Most people are not aware of the carcinogen when they are grilling the meat. But let’s face it, grilled meat taste good and people should not give up on their grass fed steak or burgers from the grill. There are couple ways to grill safely and reducing carcinogen. 1. Marinating meats for at least several hours that contains herb and spices can dramatically reduce HCA. Herbs/spices is highly potent antioxidant that helps prevent HCA formation. 2. Pre-cook the meat in either the oven or microwave and finish it on the grill to decrease the amount of the carcinogen. 3. Pick leaner cuts like skinless chicken, lean beef or pork; it decreases the fat from dripping down on the open flame. It also important to remember that well-done meat has a higher concentration of carcinogen. Medium-rare, or medium cook is healthier choice than well done. These tips to reduce and prevent carcinogen is a safe way to consume grilled meat, but what about restaurants that serves grilled meats? Unfortunately, the meat holds carcinogens. Study shows restaurant meat such as burgers, ribs, and chicken carry substantial amounts of carcinogen. Few years ago, KFC calls their new Grilled Chicken â€Å"the better-for-you chicken for health- conscious customers.† But a PCRM a test shows the grilled chicken contains a high level of carcinogen (Sullivan 12). Consumers eating grilled chicken from popular restaurant chains are exposed to substantial level of carcinogen. A study published in Nutrition and Cancers show that an independent laboratory examined one hundred samples from seven popular restaurants, and Phip, a carcinogen, was found in all the samples (33). These findings clearly show that eating grill chicken can potentially cause cancer. Consumers deserve to know what they’re eating is just as worse as a greasy high-fat fried chicken. It misleads consumers to think grilled chicken is healthy diet but in actuality a grilled chicken salad can increase the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and other dangerous health disease. If that the case, shouldn’t the government or chain restaurant provide warning labels on their product? Since Tobacco Company labels their pack with a warning that cigarette causes cancer; restauran ts serving cancer-causing meat should do the same. When parents cook chicken for their children, they try to be health conscious. If people knew there were high levels of carcinogens in their grilled chicken, they may not choose it as a healthy alternative. Meat is part of American culture; Western men often forge a strong link between eating meat and masculinity. Eating too much meat is a common problem in American Society. I believe most Americans don’t realize that they’re eating too much meat. When comparing the size of the burger we’re eating today to the past decades, our burger has gotten bigger. Bacon is a big part of American culture today. It brings child-hood memories of how mothers cooked bacon for their children. It is also a common breakfast food and is often associated with family gatherings. But, eating bacon every single day of your life has life threatening repercussion to your health. Most processed meat like bacon or hot dogs contains sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate is a food additive used in m any processed meats. It increases shelf life, gives any meat a fresh appearance, improves the smoky flavors of bacon, and slows the rate of the foul smell, and reduces bacteria (Kortboyer 5). It seems sodium nitrate is a great additive but it is widely regarded as a toxic ingredient. It is a highly carcinogenic chemical and once it enters the human digestive system; it release toxin to a number of internal organs including liver and pancreas. USDA tried to ban sodium nitrate in the 1970’s but was vetoed by food manufacturers who complained that they are trying to ban bacon from America and insisted the additive was safe. The sodium nitrate is found in almost every meat package. It’s listed right on processed meat products like bacon, turkey, hot dogs, and meats in canned soups. If it’s so dangerous, why does food manufactures use it? It sells more meat products because it makes the meat appear fresh and vibrant. Consumers are often influenced by the appearance of the meat, and sadly they will buy meat that looks fresh because of the additives, but in reality, the meat could be months old. A proven strategy to help combat sodium nitrates is to consume large doses of vitamin C and E before your meal. Another safe alternative is purchasing nitrite-free meat to reduce the exposure to sodium nitrate. But, meat without nitrates is prone to spoilage. I believe meat industry uses the saturated fat argument to distract consumers from real issues like cancer. Fruits with high saturated fat like coconut juice wont increase a person risk of cancer to jump up 50%. The real issue is what’s added to the meat during processing and packaging. While eating too much meat can be dangerous, the solution is to consume less. Meat is rich in protein and the body needs protein to maintain cellular tissue. Reducing meat intake benefits the bones. According to Dr. Campbell of Cornell University, animal sourced proteins extract more calcium from the bones, causing the bone to weaken (par. 4). Another good benefit of cutting back on meat is it that makes the consumer eat more nutritious foods. A study from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that participants who were served a meal with less meat ate more vegetables (Rolls 916). Eating small portions of good quality meat can help curb meat cravings and will not jeopardize the health. Many health education websites like Meatless Mondays offer idea of cutting back on meat consumptions. Another healthy alternative is replacing meat with non-meat sources of protein. Small red beans, black beans, legumes, dairy products are all good source of protein. While fish and seafood are technically meats, they do not carry the same risks as red meat, chicken, and pork because they contain low saturated fat and cholesterol. Non-meat protein not only has low saturated fat and cholesterol, they contain healthy fats, vitamins and minerals the body needs. Besides, the average person only needs about eight grams of protein per 20 lbs of body weight. Make no mistake, Americans love eating meats. Meat is essential part of a healthy diet, but over consumption of meat will kill you. America spends hundred of billion dollars on meat and it’s no wonder why cancer is epidemic in United States. Meat is considered a luxury in other country’s, but meat in America is readily available anywhere and consumers need to learn self-restraint. Meat like hot dogs and bacon is part of American culture, but consumers need to understand that meat industry’s uses dangerous additives like sodium nitrate and eating it for a long period of time will have repercussion to your health. Strong evidence claims that not only the harmful sodium nitrate harms the body, but also eating meat in general will damage the body. There are other healthy options like non-meat protein. But the solution to the problem is consumers need to be aware of what they’re eating and learn self-restraint.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE - Essay Example However, the yearly interest expense should be included in the cash flow table since it contributes to the net expenses which reduce the net income amount. c) The depreciation allowance should be included in the cash flow table since depreciation occurs yearly or continuously. The only difference is the rate of depreciation per year which should be taken into consideration. The $18,000,000 new investment, is only included in the cash flow table if the investment took place within the years whose cash flows were being determined, however, it should only be included in the very year it occurred. I would therefore recommend the board of working computers, under payback period, to invest the $18,000,000 in Bernoulli since the initial investment will be paid back only during the second year of operation where the net cash flow will be $20,385,808. Following the NPV calculations above, the NPV is $30,794,219/ the general criterion for NPV is that, a project is accepted if it has a positive NPV. A higher NPV is even more preferred. In this case, if working computers invest $18,000,000 in Bernoulli, the NPV is positive hence I would advise them to invest in the project. The general criterion on IRR is that, the project is accepted if the IRR is greater than the cost of capital. The cost of capital here is 14.5% and IRR is 66.98%. Therefore, I can recommend that the working computers should invest on the Bernoulli since the IRR is greater than the cost of capital. Working computers would use the sensitivity index to make a proper decision on whether to contribute $18,000,000 to the Bernoulli division. A part from the sensitivity calculated above, the Company can also use NPV, IRR and the payback period methods to make an informed decision on whether to contribute to the Bernoulli Division, $18,000,000 for the project. To begin with, a negative sensitivity always means that, the output (Net present Value) decreases with an increase in the cost of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Report on the viability of Braeside Distillery Essay

Report on the viability of Braeside Distillery - Essay Example This includes external factors like, an increase in the prices of oil, which has the capability of increasing its fixed costs. On an overall perspective, the company plans at producing and selling 30,000 bottles of Pure Gold, and if all factors remain constant, this is a very profitable initiative. For purposes of determining the viability and profitability of this project, there will be a need of using the concepts of the Break Even analysis. This will help the company to identify the point where the sale and production of Pure Gold will not result to a loss, or even a profit (Epstein, 2011). This point of intersection is called the Break Even point. Before the identification of this point, the following are the assumptions that the company should undertake, By carefully looking at this graph, where total revenue and total cost intercept each other, is the Break Even point. This means that, it is at this point of production, where the company will not make any losses nor any profits (Epstein, 2011). From the calculations and the graphical representation, it is possible to denote that the break-even point is 3980, which is a very low figure. This means that the production and sale of Pure Gold at the conditions identified is a very profitable venture. Furthermore, as previously discussed, the margin of safety of project is very high, which stands at 86.73%. This means that if the sales of the company fall to 86%, the company will still make some profits. One of the major areas where the company is vulnerable to is on the currency fluctuations and value (Epstein, 2011). Currently, the value of the currency stands at 1 pound is equal to 1.28 Euro. However, if the strength of the Euro increases, against the pound, this means that the profitability of the company would decrease. An increase in the strength of the Euro would mean that it trades at a lower price of 1.28 against the pound. Take for example; the current

Journal 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Journal 5 - Essay Example Politically, Roman Empire was based on Christianity values as Pope Leo II was involved in government affairs as he was crowned the Frankish King on Christian’s days as Roman Empire. This was different from the Classical Greece as there was no involvement of Christianity in the political systems of Classical Greece. In the Classical Greece, the Athenians were helped by the Spartan troops to overthrow their king known as Hippias. The same political war or fight for power was involved in Roman Empire at the period of trouble in the reign of commandos when Alexander Severus was assassinated. The Roman Empire troops were more powerful than the Classical Greece troops as the Athens were helped by Spartan troop to overthrow government (Mattingly 14). In respect to culture, Roman Empire upheld two ethnic group’s culture while the classical Greece culture composed of cultural practices from different western communities. Roman culture was from Latin and Greek while the classical Greece was from western civilization or western communities. In making the conclusion, I analyzed both classical Greece and Roman Empire culture, life style, social, political and economic life (Mattingly

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Proposed Website Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Proposed Website - Assignment Example The body of the essay will explore various aspects of the proposed website. The proposed website Jenkins (2012, p. 9) in his studies described a website as, â€Å"a set of related web pages that contain contexts such as audio, video, image, and text, among others.† McNeil (2010) further noted that a website is usually hosted on a web server that can be accessed through the Internet or through a local area network that has an internet address, which is known as Uniform Resource Locator. Since Dual-Tech Inc is in the business of selling and distributing electrical appliances, the proposed website will be a commercial website that will serve various purposes and therefore, it will fit into various classifications of websites. For example, the proposed website will be a corporate website that offers information about Dual-Tech Inc and secondly, the proposed website will be an electronic commerce website that enables vendors to purchase electrical appliances via the online channel. On the basis that the proposed website will be an e-commerce website, it is of essence to note that it will be product based. This means that the proposed website will involve the actual selling of electrical appliances through the website whereby vendors will be required to wire funds or payments through electronic transfer and afterwards the company will dispatch the electrical appliances to their preferred location. Secondly, on the basis that the website will be an electronic commerce website it is beneficial to note that the proposed website will act as shop window for Dual-Tech Inc. Basic features of the proposed website First of all the website will be accessed through the local area network within Dual-Tech Inc premises and secondly it will be accessed through the internet connection, which will enable employees to login into the website from any location outside the business premises. This will be enabled by hosting the website in a server that offers both connectivity and is reliable. Secondly, by giving the website a unique domain name it will enable users to access the website easily as it will come as the first item during any search. On the issue of connectivity, the proposed website will be designed in a manner to ensure that users can access the website through smart phones and tablets, and this will be guaranteed by hosting the website in a web server that offers great connectivity from any location using various mediums such as personal or work computers, smart phones, and tablets. Since three different users will be using the website, it will have three different levels of access. The public will not have any special access rather they will only be allowed to view pages within the website that gives a preview of the company, stocks available, location of the business premises, key officials of the company, mission statement, and the objectives of the company. Vendors and employees of Dual-Tech Inc will have different access panels. Vendorsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ access panel will lead them to a web page that contains the list of stocked items and available online payment options that are secure. As for the employees’ access panel, it will lead them to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate Financial Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Corporate Financial Strategy - Essay Example The decision to make an investment is based on this benchmark. Mostly the companies employ various sources of finance such as equity, preference, debentures, term loans etc. The calculation of WACC is done using the weights of the different components of capital base. There are varying returns for all the sources. As the equity holders bear the maximum risk, the returns required by them is higher than the other investors. This is mainly because in case of extreme situation like insolvency, the equity shareholders have the last claim on the assets of the company. In such situations preference is given to the lenders of the company. Moreover, the declaration of dividends is not mandatory for the companies. A dividend is declared only if the company has surplus earnings whereas the payment of interest cost is mandatory. The company has to honour its debts irrespective of its profitability. This is the reason that the lenders get a lower return as compared to equity holders. But, if the company is highly leveraged, even the lenders become cautious and demand for higher returns. This is the reason that all the companies try to optimize their capital base for minimizing the cost of capital. The cost of capital is the minimum return that a company must earn from the business activities to payoff its investors who provide the necessary capital in the form of shares, debentures and loans. Two sets of information are needed for calculating the cost of capital- weights of the various sources of finance and their respective costs. Many studies have been conducted on the cost of capital which is dependent on the composition of the capital base of the company. The capital structure of a business measures the ability of a company towards meeting the needs of its stakeholders. Modigliani and Miller (1994) highlighted how the value of the firm is not affected by its capital structure as the tax advantage of debt

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Personal Statement Example My relatives were involved in animal farming and that inspired me more to learn towards their welfare care. With age and time, the sense of responsibility to take care of these vulnerable creatures grew. So in accord with my parents, I brought sick stray animals home to nurse and after healing, I would make sure to find suitable homes for them. At a young age of eight, I decided to be a vegetarian and went against the grain to protect animals. My desire spawned to become a veterinarian when I witnessed an animal violence incident on a family trip abroad. My family and I were on a horse carriage admiring the ancient Egyptian monuments. Suddenly the horseman whipped the poor creature so brutally that I started weeping and demanded him to hand his whip to me to prevent further cruelty. This particular incident made the yearning to be a veterinarian more apparent. My compassion for animals and enthusiasm to learn veterinary medicine increased over time as I witnessed more examples of ins ensitivity and cruelty in South America, East Asia, and the Middle East. My family background as healthcare professionals aspired me persistently to peruse my ambition in veterinary medicine. My father, as a role model, set his priority to see the unprivileged patients at a free clinic before going to his own clinic for earning purpose. My mother, as a pharmacist, perused her doctorate diligently to begin a career in pharmacy. Living with such dedicated health care professionals, I was able to determine my aim and would opt to learn more to it through higher education. My eagerness to explore the veterinary field further flourished when I began volunteering at animal hospitals to have a closer look at the challenges involved, which intrigued me more. The whole experience of working towards the betterment of animals made me learn the importance of responsibility of handling life threatening problems. Initially I learned how to restrain them during normal procedures, stitching of cuts , simple check-ups and monitoring an animal under anaesthesia. However, one of my memorable experiences was counting the babies of a pregnant dog in an X-ray sheet. This image represented the miracle of life that strengthened my aim in supporting it. Volunteer work enabled me to monitor and learn a variety of veterinary care that improved animal health and quality of life. I observed peculiarly while veterinarians briefed the animal owner on preventive care, performed various surgical procedures such as spays and neuters, placed catheters, and administered vaccinations. I observed with wonder as life was sustained against the odds, and also as it was tragically ended out of necessity. My rewarding experiences convinced me that veterinary medicine was the ideal field for me. I am confident that I have the intellectual aptitude, awareness of work ethic, physical capability, personal strength in pressurizing moments and motivating intentions to excel in veterinary medicine. As a former top-performing competitive gymnast, I am a disciplined, strong-willed individual, who can face the hurdles and bottlenecks of education and career. Due to my passion for veterinary medicine, I have been steadfast in my career choice despite years of family pressure to become a physician. Furthermore, extensive experience in medical settings, including six years at a cosmetic surgery office, has developed my interpersonal and communication skills. I have also demonstrated strong organizational and leadership skills through my efforts for the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Valuation of Firms in Mergers and Acquisitions Case Study

Valuation of Firms in Mergers and Acquisitions - Case Study Example Triumph is of the opinion that acquisition of Rustic, a competitor in the same industry but with a radically different market share, would significantly boost its market penetration, enhance quality in production, and give it immense benefits with regard to economies of scale. As of present, Triumph has a predominantly southern customer base while Rustic has a chiefly northern customer base. The premise for this presumption is the view by Triumph’s CEO that Rustic is underperforming and its shares are undervalued. Hopes regarding the merger and acquisition soar high, with the expectations that the deal will grow the combined business establishment by up to 10%. However, the operating costs will rise by an estimated 5% in the first year. The financing option under consideration involves the issuance of long-term bonds to buy out shareholders at Rustic. The bonds will be issued at the current borrowing rate of the two companies. This report analyses the merger and acquisition ca se for Triumph and Rustic Plc.  The first two valuation cases are highly similar, with the only difference being that the first method assumes a constant dividend in perpetuity while the other DVM option assumes a constant dividend growth in perpetuity. The slight difference, however, makes a considerable difference in the estimated value of the resultant business, 41,000,000 and 90,420,000 respectively. The use of DVM in valuation model is most relevant in cases where the dividend pattern for a company is predictable and highly estimable (Bayrak, 2010). The management at both companies can make use of the method since both companies are currently paying dividends to their shareholders.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Best war ever Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Best war ever - Essay Example How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and the life that refuses conflicts-enough, these alone are enough! But when the war is declared, the objective of the country involved in the war, is to win the war, no matter how it wins! The advanced technology was brutally used in World War II, and it served very well, the ultimate purpose of any war—to win the war, to end the war and to secure peace! The main objective of the war-related technology is to win the war with minimum casualties. Technologically, America was superior on all counts than its enemies in war. It helped to contain and defeat its foremost enemy, Japan. To start with, â€Å"Japan’s naval technology and fighting methods, innovative in the beginning-stages of the war, quickly lagged behind the Allies. Japan lost naval air-battles because its ships and planes did not have the radar.†(Adams, p.62) Air-power dominated during II World War. There was not much difference in their roles like reconnaissance, bombers, fighters and ground-support though each area was technologically far advanced. Some additional roles were seen for the aircrafts in WW II. Airlift the fighting forces and move quickly high-priority supplies, strategic bombing, targeted bombing of the civilian areas to hamper enemy industrial production and inflict casualties to destroy the morale. At the beginning of the war aeronautical warfare played limited role and little success was achieved. But actions at Pearl Harbor, the South China Sea, Taranto, and the Coral Sea changed the complexion of the war. America had the decided advantage in technology. â€Å"For many, including a majority of survivors from the era, the war years have become America’s golden age, a peak in the life of society when everything worked out and the good guys

Characters of Journeys End by R.C. Sherriff and Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks Essay Example for Free

Characters of Journeys End by R.C. Sherriff and Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks Essay The First World War is known to be one of the worst, if not the worst war in military history. The strategies used were often ineffective and repetitive, meaning a lack of movement and years of stalemate on the western front. Soldiers had to live in conditions which were squalid and foul, they had to deal with diseases such as trench foot and millions of rats and lice infestations. These general images of soldiers living in these fetid conditions has become widely known and linked with the huge suffering caused by the First World War. The use of literature can enable us to gain a picture of what trench warfare was really like. Journeys End a play written by R.C. Sherriff in 1928 based on his own life experiences gives a realistic image of life as a soldier in the trenches. However, the novel Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks which was not written till 2005 gives a version of what Faulks believed trench warfare to be like; it is a fictional idea based on knowledge and understanding of World War One. Also the authors chose different formats with one being a novel the other a play, thus giving them contrasting ways of conveying soldiers experiences of war. A play deals with the actions and reactions of characters using dialogue and yet a novel can go into the heads of characters, giving the reader an understanding of a persons emotions and feelings through description and narrative. The characters presented in both Journeys End and Birdsong are attempting to avoid and deal with the horrors of trench warfare in many different ways including; drinking, violence, and memories of loved ones and trying to use humour as a way of distancing themselves from the horrors facing them. Each character has to find there own way of dealing with the situation, as anyone would when faced with the constant fear of death. In both Journeys End and Birdsong we get a glimpse of what the characters Stanhope and Wraysford were like before the terror of war affected them. In Journeys End although we dont see Stanhope before the war; Sherriff cleverly uses Raleigh to give us an idea of what he was like when he was younger. We see Raleigh as this optimistic, patriotic man excited at the prospect of going into war alongside his childhood hero. His confession to Osborne that he was Keen to get out here is a representation of many patriotic soldiers at the break out of the first world war and could show us how Stanhope may have felt before the realisation of what warfare was really like. The growing sense of conflict between Stanhope and Raleigh just shows how much the war has changed Stanhope, and affected him. Not only do we see Raleigh as a young version of Stanhope but also we hear from him background information on Stanhopes life, he was skipper of Rugger at Barford, and kept wicket for the eleven. A jolly good bat, too. This is not needed in Birdsong as we gain a background on what Wraysford was like before the war in part one of the novel. Novels allow writers to add descriptive back stories through narrative rather than dialogue, we can learn about one persons perspective unlike in a play when we are unable to hear thoughts and feelings these can only be expressed through actors portraying the role. Birdsong can go into depth about the emotional effects war can have on a person, which is a tricky detail to encapsulate in a play and yet I believe R.C. Sherriff uses dialogue and the actions of each individual to show their emotional state. We can see strongly in both, just what the war can do, seeing and living in those conditions certainly would bring about change in a person however it is the way they deal with it that helps them continue on through. An easy escape for many soldiers during the war was drink. For an ordinary private on the front line getting alcohol was hard and they were only allowed a small drop before going over the top, however officers were allowed to drink (as believed responsible enough for it) and alcoholism among officers was common. Both Stanhope in Journeys End and Wraysford and Weir in Birdsong use drink as a method of getting through the horrors in front of them, She doesnt know that if I went up those steps into the front line without being doped with whisky Id go mad with fright. Drink was a way to forget, and maybe for a moment be away from the front line in their heads, although eventually become addicted not needing it for any purpose but for wanting, cast his eyes round hopefully. Stephen reluctantly pushed a bottle towards him. Drink was not the best way to deal with the situation though, it may have clouded their memories but would not have completed erase them if sleep came it was as a gift and was as likely to come after tea as after alcohol. Soldiers on the front line could turn on each other, either because of alcohol consumption or just the fact that these men were pushed together in such bad conditions. Maybe getting angry at one another would give them something other than fighting the enemy to focus on Hibbert raises his stick and strikes blindly at Stanhope. The violence shown in Journeys End could also represent the battles taking place outside, as an audience member you never get to see any conflict between the enemy and therefore Stanhopes arguments and fights with the soldiers substitutes this. The anger Stanhope feels towards Hibbert and also Raleigh, could also show us how he feels and acts in battle situations. Unlike Journeys End in Birdsong we are able to follow Stephen as he goes out into No-mans land, fighting for his life but we also get violence in the trenches too Fuck off, Weir, fuck off out of my way. The use of the word fuck is a powerful one; we can understand Wraysfords fear just through that one word, all his fear for the battle ahead builds up the tension. In Journeys End Stanhope is worried about what Raleigh would write home in his letter, I believe that maybe another matter that Stanhope uses to redirect his thoughts away from memories, it gives him something else to think about. Which again leads to more violence Dyou understand an order? Give me that letter! Despite these small areas of conflict there is a strong theme in both Journeys End and Birdsong, of comradeship. Men on the front line were often forced into forming new relationships with people and often because of this gained extraordinarily strong bonds with men they were fighting alongside with. This is shown by the example of Stanhope and Osborne, and shown to the audience in many scenes but mostly through the touching goodbye scene before the fatal raid and right at the end Stanhope and Raleigh final bond over his death, Stanhope sits with one hand on Raleighs arm they had fought together in the same battles and known what the other men had seen, they understood. In Birdsong the strong relationship between Wraysford and Weir grew throughout the novel and like many soldiers on the frontline Wraysford needed Weir for company and to help his sanity, Weir alone had made the war bearable friendships like Weirs and Wraysfords meant that soldiers could get through the war together. They did not need to be alone. Although Raleigh in Journeys End believed he needed to distance himself when Osborne dies, Raleigh who is first seen as this innocent character in the beginning of the play is opened to this horror after the death of Osborne, he now knows truly just how hard . He eats away from the officers with the other men, he finds it disrespectful that the others are eating and drinking. Maybe some may believe distancing themselves would mean when or if it came to them dying it would not be as hard. Many soldiers needed to be friends, to join together because even though loss is hard the sharing of jokes in such a situation as terrible as this one may have helped. In Journeys End many of the characters particularly Trotters main form of escapism is in making jokes about the war and the Germans I expect a nasty old Germanll cop out of it and say, Ock der Kaiser in doing this they are able to cover up their fear and make light of the situation. In Birdsong the use of comedy is more subtle, the soldiers go down to the pub and watch entertainment and laugh with each other as friends rather than making obvious jokes. Jack performing for the soldiers gave some time for the men to relax and enjoy themselves. If they could shout loud enough, they might bring the world back to its senses; they might laugh loud enough to raise the dead although raising the dead was not possible, the idea that in laughing and having as good a time as you can they could remember their losses and keep them alive in their thoughts. In Journeys End some of the soldiers liked to talk about home and familiar things like rugby and cricket to take their minds of the horrors of trench warfare. Thinking about home would help them to remember how their life was before the war; it would make them want to get out and gave them something to live for. Another thing they might think about is their girlfriends, wives or just women in general, I just prayed to come through the war and and do things and keep absolutely fit for her. Jack Firebrace wanted to survive for his family, dealt with the struggle with the belief he had his wife and child to return to His endurance was for them; the care he took to try to stay alive was so that he would see the boy again. As for Stephen he did not have a family or anyone really he wanted to go home for, he kept on fighting and wanting to survive for the men who had died before, he wanted to win, to continue for their benefit. The idea and hope that the men he had lost had not died in vain. With trench conditions as foul as they were; rats, lice and illnesses such as trench foot one thing that could keep the men going was the idea and the relief of getting food. The importance of food in Journeys End is shown by how many times the men talk about it and bring it up in general conversation. Complaining about inconsequential things like chunks of pineapple instead of apricots take their minds of the war I say, Stanhope, its a terrible business. We thought wed got a tin of pineapple chunks; it turns out to be apricots. The men on the front lines wouldnt very often have the nicest of food, and when Stanhope has to visit the Colonel and is given really expensive foods he immediately thinks of his men but he will eat the food as it is the one thing that he can gain pleasure from A thin stew followed, then ripe cheese and fresh bread. Lunch went on past three oclockStephen smiled to himself, aware that his brief flight from reality would soon be ended. Birdsong touches on the idea of religion and how this can be affected by war. Many soldiers lost their faith due to the mass slaughter or even the loss of a son at home like Jack Firebrace however Stephen seemed to gain a belief in God, the idea that nothing this cruel can be the end. He hoped that when Weir or any other Soldier died they had a better world to escape to and maybe this idea kept him going helped him deal with the death of his friends. Journeys End doesnt really touch on the mens faith or religion, however the idea of hero worshipping used by Raleigh could be linked. The belief in a God and a higher being could also be like Raleigh looking up to Stanhope I believe Raleigh will go on liking you and looking up to you through everything. Theres something very deep, and rather fine, about hero worship. Many soldiers may have used the method of positive thinking like Osborne to cover up just how scared and fearful they were I never knew the sun could rise in so many ways till I came out here. Each soldier on the front line had to choose their own way of escaping and dealing with the horrors of trench warfare. The putrid living conditions and the everyday horror of death meant that it was necessary for them to break out of the truth they were living. Many of the methods used in both Journeys End and Birdsong are similar but their methods were carried out in different ways. Others didnt use methods at all, they just didnt cope; like Hibbert in Journeys End faking an illness to get away. Each character in either Journeys End or Birdsong took on different methods of dealing with their long hardships and suffering. The true horrors of the war however could not be forgotten, the sight of death and the stench in the trenches would not be quickly removed from their thoughts. These literary texts both play and book give us, today, just a brief insight into the lives of men on the western front, the challenges faced by these men were truly horrific and just surviving must have been a hardship. No one now or then on the home front could ever know the true extent of the struggle and the effects it had both mentally and physically, If they could see the way these men live they would not believe their eyes. This is not a war; this is an exploration of how far men can be degraded.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Racial, Gender, And Sexual Oriention Micro Aggressions Essay Example for Free

Racial, Gender, And Sexual Oriention Micro Aggressions Essay The three types of micro aggression are racial micro aggression, gender micro aggression, and sexual orientation micro aggression. Racial micro aggression consists of subtle insults which can be verbal, nonverbal, or visual directed towards people of color, often automatically or unconsciously. It is a subtle form of racism. Racial micro aggression can take a number of different forms including: nullifying racial-cultural issues, making stereo-typical assumptions, and cultural insensitivity. They also play a role in unfairness in the legal system as they can influence the decisions of juries. Gender micro aggression is related to acts that perpetuate stereotypical gender roles. An example of this could be a male faculty member asking his male colleagues to help him work out a glitch in a piece of equipment in his laboratory but not asking his female colleagues making the notion that a woman’s mechanical aptitude is inferior to that of a man’s. These gender micro aggressions include devaluing, minimizing, belittling, and demeaning comments about women and women associated activities. Sexual orientation micro aggression is associated with actions that maintain stereotypes about homosexuals. An example of this would be assuming that all homosexual males personify women with high-pitched voices and manicured nails and that all lesbians have manly characteristics that signify that they are gay. The dynamics of micro aggression are the forces that tend to produce activity and change in racial, gender, and sexuality incidents. The dynamics behind micro aggression also tend to send messages towards people. An example of this could be when an white person asks an Asian American or Latino American to teach them words in their native language. This sends the message that they aren’t American and a foreigner. Another example would be a white person stating that an African American is very articulate. The actual message it sends is that it is unusual for someone of color to be intelligent. There are four dilemmas that we face during micro aggression. The first is the clash of racial realities where white Americans tend to think that racism is on the decline and that African Americans are doing better in life than 30 or 40 years ago. On the reverse side, blacks view whites as racially insensitive. The second dilemma is the invisibility of unintentional expressions of bias. This refers to the issue that in most cases racial biases are invisible and the wrongdoer is unaware of any injustice. The third is the perceived minimal harm of racial micro aggressions. This conveys the fact that when an individual is confronted with their micro aggressive acts the perpetrator usually believes that the victim has overreacted or is being overly sensitive. The last dilemma is the Catch 22 of responding to micro aggressions. The victim is usually perplexed about how to react whether it be deciding to do nothing or confronting the perpetrator. Sometimes, micro aggression can manifest in counseling. Under Denial of Individual Racism, a common response by Whites to people of color is that they can understand and relate to experiences of racism. Under Color Blindness, for example, a client of color stresses the importance of racial experiences only to have the therapist reply, â€Å"We are all unique. We are all individuals. † or â€Å"We are all human beings or the same under the skin. † These colorblind statements, which were intended to be supportive, to be sympathetic, and to convey an ability to understand, may leave the client feeling misunderstood, negated, invalidated, and unimportant. In clinical practice, micro aggressions are likely to go unrecognized by White clinicians who are unintentionally and unconsciously expressing bias. As a result, therapists must make a concerted effort to identify and monitor micro aggressions within the therapeutic context. CHAPTER 7 CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE INTERVENTION STRATEGIES The communication styles identified in this chapter were verbal and non-verbal. Most communication specialists believe that only 30 to 40 percent of what is communicated conversationally is verbal. There are a number of non-verbal communication styles. These are proxemics, kinesics, paralanguage, and high-low context communication. The two concepts presented in sociopolitical facets of nonverbal communication were 1. Nonverbals as reflections of bias this is represented in the example of the white women walking down the street past the white, black, and latino teenager. When passing the black and latino teenager she automatically clutched her purse and switched it to the other side. The women who switched their purse were operating from stereotype, biases, and preconceived notions about what minority youngsters are like. 2. Nonverbals as triggers to biases and fear this is represented in the differences in that which cultures communicate. Whites often perceive black persons as a â€Å"threat† because of the way in which they communicate. Blacks are often high-key, animated, heated, and confrontational. They also believe the black male to be hostile, angry and prone to violence. Implications for Clinical Practice 1. Recognize that no one style of counseling or therapy will be appropriate for all populations and situations. 2. Become knowledgeable about how race, culture and gender affect communication styles. 3. Become aware of your own communication and helping styles. 4. Try to obtain additional training and education on a variety theoretical orientations and approaches 5. Know that each school of counseling and therapy has strengths but they might be one dimensional 6. Use an approach in training programs that call for openness and flexibility in conceptualizing the issues and actual skill building. It is important to know this because communication styles are strongly influenced by race, culture, ethnicity, and gender. These implications lend support to the notion that various racial groups exhibit differences in communication style. CHAPTER 8 MULTICULTURAL FAMILY COUNSELING AND THERAPY There were five components of the multicultural family counseling and therapy: a conceptual model. 1. People Nature Relationships 2. Time Dimension 3. Relational Dimension 4. Activity Dimension 5. Nature of People Dimension Activity Dimension The primary characteristic of White U. S. cultural values and beliefs is the action orientation. They believe that we must master and control nature, we must always do something about a situation, and that we should always take a pragmatic and utilitarian view of life. Counselors expect clients to master and control their own life and environment and to take action to resolve their problems. It is evident everywhere and is reflected in how White Americans identify themselves by occupation. American Indians and Latinos/Hispanics prefer a being or being-in-becoming mode of activity. The American Indian concepts of self determination and noninterference are examples. The Latinos/Hispanics believe that people are born with dignity and deserve to be treated with respect. They are born with innate worth and importance. The inner soul and spirit are more important than the body. Both the Asian and African Americans operate from the doing orientation. However, the â€Å"doing† manifests differently than in White American lifestyle. The active dimension in Asians is related not to individual achievement, but to achievement via conformity to family values and demands. African Americans exercise considerable control in the face of adversity to minimize discrimination and to maximize success. Nature of People Dimension Middle class White Americans generally perceive the nature of people to be neutral. Environmental issues such as conditioning, family upbringing, and socialization are believed to be the dominant forces in determining the nature of the person. People are neither good nor bad but are a product of their environment. African Americans tend to have a mixed concept of people, but like their White counterparts, they believe people are generally neutral. Asian Americans and American Indians tend to emphasize the inherent goodness of people. Latinos may be described as holding the view that human nature is both good and bad. The Key Points for Clinical Practice 1. Know that our increasing diversity presents us with different cultural concepts of the family. 2. Realize that families cannot be understood apart from the cultural, social, and political dimensions of their functioning. 3. When working with a racial/ethnic group different from you, make a concerted and conscientious effort learn as much as possible about their definition of family and the values along with it. 4. Be attentive to cultural family structure and extended family ties. 5. Don’t prejudge based on your own ethnocentric perspective. 6. Realize that most minority groups view the wifely role as less important than the motherly role. 7. Utilize the natural help giving networks and structures that already exist in the minority culture in community. 8. Recognize that helping can take many forms. These forms often appear quite different than our own, but they are no less effective or legitimate. Multicultural counseling calls for the counselor to modify our goals and techniques to fit the needs of minority populations. 9. Assess the importance of ethnicity to clients and families. 10. Realize that the role of family counselor cannot be confined to culture bound rules. Effective multicultural counseling may include validating and strengthening ethnic identity increasing ones own awareness and use of the client support system, serving as a culture broker, and becoming aware of the advantages and disadvantages of being from the same or different ethnic background as your client. You shouldn’t feel you need to know everything about the ethnic group, you should avoid polarization of cultural issues. 11. Accept the notion that the family therapist will need to be creative in intervention techniques when working with minorities. Bold = most important points in clinical practice CHAPTER 9 NON-WESTERN INDIGENOUS METHODS OF HEALING Culture bound syndromes are disorders specific to a cultural group or society but not easily given a DSM diagnosis. These illnesses or afflictions have local names with distinct culturally sanctioned beliefs surrounding causation and treatment. They include amok, ataque de nervios, brain fag, ghost sickness, koro, mal de ojo, nervios, and rootwork. It is very important for mental health professionals to become familiar not only with the cultural background of their clients, but to be knowledgeable about specific culture bound syndromes. A primary danger from lack of cultural understanding is the tendency to overpathologize or overestimate the degree of pathology. The principles of indigenous healing 1. The healing begins with an opening prayer and ends with a closing prayer. The pule creates an atmosphere for healing and involves asking the family gods for guidance. The gods aren’t asked to intervene but grant wisdom, understanding and honesty. 2. The ritual elicits a truth telling sanctioned by the gods and makes compliance among participants a serious matter. The leader states the problem, prays for a spiritual fusion, reaches out to resistant family members, and attempts to unify the group 3. Muhiki occurs which is a process of getting to the problems. The foregiving, releasing of wrongs, the hurts, and the conflicts produces a deep sense of resolution. 4. After the closing prayer the family participates in pant, the ritual in which food is offered to the gods and the participants. Implications for Clinical Practice 1. Do not invalidate the indigenous practices of your culturally diverse client. 2. Become knowledgeable about indigenous beliefs and healing practices. 3. Realize that learning about indigenous healing and beliefs entails experimental or lived realities. 4. Avoid overpathologizing and underpathologizing a culturally diverse clients problems. 5. Be willing to consult with traditional healers or make use of their services. 6. Recognize the spirituality is an intimate aspect of the human condition and a legitimate aspect of mental health work. 7. Be willing to expand your definition of the helping role to the community work and involvement.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Serotonin Function and Mechanism of Antidepressant Action

Serotonin Function and Mechanism of Antidepressant Action Neurotransmitters are chemicals located and released in the brain to allow an impulse from one nerve cell to pass to another nerve cell. There are approximately 50 neurotransmitters identified. There are billions of nerve cells located in the brain, which do not directly touch each other. Nerve cells communicate messages by secreting neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit neurons (nerve cells). Some common neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter. It is synthesized, from the amino acid L-tryptophan, in brain neurons and stored in vesicles. Serotonin is found in three main areas of the body: the intestinal wall; large constricted blood vessels; and the central nervous system. The most widely studied effects have been those on the central nervous system. The functions of serotonin are numerous and appear to involve control of appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, mood, behavior (including sexual and hallucinogenic behavior), cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, endocrine regulation, and depression. It is a well-known contributor to feelings of well-being; therefore it is also known as a happiness hormone despite not being a hormone. Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter which complements excitatory sympathetic systems like adrenaline and dopamine in the Central Nervous System. The physiological activity of serotonin starts from the brainstem in groups of brain cells called Raphe nucleus. Serotonin brain cells then spread to various regions of the central nervous system by branching out throughout the brain. History In 1935, Italian Vittorio Erspamer showed that an extract from enterochromaffin cells made intestines contract. Some believed it contained adrenaline, but two years later Erspamer was able to show that it was a previously unknown amine, which he named enteramine.[4] In 1948, Maurice M. Rapport, Arda Green, and Irvine Page of the Cleveland Clinic discovered a vasoconstrictor substance in blood serum, and since it was a serum agent affecting vascular tone, they named it serotonin. In 1952 it was shown that enteramine was the same substance as serotonin, and as the broad range of physiological roles were elucidated, the abbreviation 5HT of the proper chemical name 5-hydroxytryptamine became the preferred name in the pharmacological field. Mechanism of action The activity of serotonin arises in the brainstem from clusters of neurons known as the raphe nucleus. From the brain, serotonin neurons extend to virtually all parts of the central nervous system making the branching of the serotonin network the most expansive neurochemical system in the brain. The importance of this network becomes apparent when considering each serotonin neuron exerts an influence over as many as 500,000 target neurons. Due to the widespread distribution of serotonin in the nervous system, it is not surprising that this neurotransmitter can be linked to many types of behavior. Of the chemical neurotransmitter substances, serotonin is perhaps the most implicated in the treatment of various disorders, including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, stroke, obesity, pain, hypertension, vascular disorders, migraine, and nausea. A major factor in the understanding of the role of 5-HT in these disorders is the recent rapid advance made in understanding the physiological role of various serotonin receptor subtypes. There are at least four populations of receptors for serotonin: 5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT3, and 5-HT4. The physiological function of each receptor subtype has not been established and is currently the subject of intensive investigation. Effects as a neurotransmitter Most neurotransmitters are released from tiny synaptic terminal buttons at the ends of nerve cells, but serotonin appears to be different. It is instead released freely from serotonergic varicosities into the general neuronal space, diffusing over a much larger area to activate the 5-HT receptors of nearby neurons. This reuptake can be disrupted by agents like MDMA, cocaine, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The overall action of serotonin is very complex and not entirely understood. Peripheral effects Cardiovascular action The cardiovascular effects of serotonin are complex. They are variable depending on the dose injected, experimental conditions, animal species and vascular state. Action on vessels: Serotonin induces either a vasoconstriction by 5-HT2 effect, in particular of renal vessels, or a vasodilation. Serotonin constricts veins and seems to induce venous thromboses and promotes platelet aggregating effect. It increases capillary permeability. Action on heart: Serotonin has a positive chronotropic action by 5-HT4 receptor stimulation and could take part in the genesis of certain rhythm disorders. It has a positive inotropic effect. Action on blood pressure: It is complex, according to experimental conditions, serotonin gives either hypotension, or hypertension, or no modification. Action on smooth muscles Serotonin induces contractions of intestine, bronchi and uterus. Digestive effects: Serotonin increases intestinal motility, probably by stimulation of 5-HT4 and 5-HT3 receptors: in human beings, injected by intravenous route, it increases duodenum and small intestine motility. This effect explains diarrhea observed in patients with carcinoid syndrome. Bronchial effects: Serotonin has a bronchoconstrictive action and a serotonin aerosol induces dyspnea (difficult or labored respiration). Uterus effect: Serotonin induces contractions of the uterus. Other actions Researchers have also found evidence that serotonin may play a role in regulating milk production in the breast, and that a defect within the serotonin network may be one underlying cause of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Central effects Serotonin is involved in the regulation of sleep, mood (antidepressant action), temperature, appetite (appetite suppressant effect). Overstimulation of 5-HT2 receptors could induce productive and negative symptoms of psychotic disorders. LSD or lysergide, agonist of 5-HT2 receptors and also of D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors, has hallucinogenic properties. Serotonin, thanks to its various types of presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors, modulates the activity of other transmitters. It plays a determining part in adaptation. Effects of Excess or Low Serotonin Serotonin is involved in allergic and inflammatory symptoms and in certain diseases: Carcinoid syndrome: The carcinoid syndrome is caused by metastatic tumors of enterochromaffin cells of the digestive tract which secrete various compounds, in particular a great quantity of serotonin. It is characterized by diarrhea, flushes (accesses of cutaneous vasodilation followed by a vasoconstriction), dyspnea and sometimes a damage to cardiac valves. The biological diagnosis of these tumors is based on the increase in serotonin concentration in blood and on the excretion of abnormal amounts of 5-hydroxy-indolacetic acid, 5-HIAA, in urines. Migraine: Migraine is a disease characterized by repeated accesses of headache in which vasomotor phenomena and serotonin play a determining part. In the first prodromic phase, there is a vasoconstriction, and in the second painful phase, a vasodilation. This vasodilation is reduced by vasoconstrictive drugs. Myocardial ischemia: Serotonin released from platelets seems to worsen the myocardial ischemia by vasoconstriction. Hallucinations occur due to increased levels of Serotonin. Generalized anxiety disorder People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) experience excessive worry that causes problems at work and in the maintenance of daily responsibilities. Evidence suggests that GAD involves several neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including norepinephrine and serotonin. Deficiencies or excessive intake of certain dietary minerals and vitamins can disrupt the level of serotonin, causing disruptions in the production or reuptake processes surrounding serotonin. Several drugs that affect the serotonin system Several classes of drugs target the 5-HT system, including some antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, antiemetics, and antimigraine drugs, as well as the psychedelic drugs and empathogens. When Serotonin is low, certain problems with concentration and attention can be experienced. People become scatterbrained and poorly organized. It takes longer to do things because of poor planning. When Serotonin is moderately low, the following symptoms and behaviours have been observed: Chronic fatigue. Despite sleeping extra hours and naps, fatigue remains. There is a sense of being worn out Sleep disturbance. Appetite disturbance is present, usually in two types. There is a loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss or a craving for sweets and carbohydrates when the brain is trying to make more Serotonin. Total loss of sexual interest is present. In fact, there is loss of interest in everything, including those activities and interests that have been enjoyed in the past. Social withdrawal is common not answering the phone, rarely leaving the house/apartment, stop calling friends and family, and withdrawal from social events. Emotional sadness and frequent crying spells are common. Self-esteem and self-confidence are low. Body sensations, due to Serotonins role as a body regulator, include hot flushes and temperature changes, headaches, and stomach distress. Clinical Depression This is perhaps the most common mental health problem encountered in practice. One in four adults will experience clinical depression within their lifetime. Serotonin acts as an important feel-good neurotransmitter, sending signals that an individual is relaxed and happy. In the absence of serotonin, patients feel sad and unwell and may even experience fear, anxiety and physical discomfort. serotonin acts as an important feel-good neurotransmitter, sending signals that an individual is relaxed and happy. In the absence of serotonin, patients feel sad and unwell and may even experience fear, anxiety and physical discomfort. Treatment for depression, as might be expected, involves increasing levels of Serotonin in the brain. Since the mid-eighties, medications have been available that attempt to specifically target and increase Serotonin. Known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), these medications such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are felt to work by making more Serotonin available in the brain. Like all neurotransmitters, we can have too much Serotonin. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder The American Academy of Family Physicians explains that one of the disorders categorized as a serotonin deficiency-related illness is obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this psychiatric condition, patients feel obsessed with certain issues, like cleanliness or order, and are therefore compelled to engage in what they perceive as related behaviors, including rigorous and repetitive cleaning or hand washing. Researchers have determined that low levels of serotonin in the brain are responsible for many cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and physicians prescribe pharmaceuticals that help increase brain levels of serotonin. These drugs help reduce or relieve symptoms entirely, allowing individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder to live normal lives. Serotonin Syndrome While elevated levels of Serotonin produce a sense of well-being, bliss, and oneness with the universe too much Serotonin can produce a life-threatening condition known as Serotonin Syndrome (SS).Likely to occur by accident by combining two Serotonin-increasing medications or substances. These are some of its symptoms: Cognitive mental confusion, hypomania, agitation, headache, coma Autonomic shivering, sweating, fever, hypertension, tachycardia, nausea, diarrhea Somatic myoclonus/clonus (muscle twitching), hyperreflexia, tremor Emergency medical treatment is required, utilizing medications that neutralize or block the action of Serotonin as the treatment for Serotonin Syndrome (SS). Discontinuation syndrome Antidepressants such as SSRIs have some dependence producing effects, most notably a withdrawal syndrome. Their dependence producing properties (depending on the antidepressant) may not be as significant as other psychotropic drugs such as benzodiazepines, however, withdrawal symptoms nonetheless may be quite severe and even debilitating. SSRIs have little abuse potential, but discontinuation can produce disturbing withdrawal symptoms that may not be able to be distinguished from a reoccurrence of the original illness: Sexual side effects Cardiac side effects Suicide risk Post SSRI sexual dysfunction Aggression Permanent nuerophysiological changes Persistent pulmonary hypertension Bleeding tendencies Applications of Serotonin SSRIs Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly used as first-line therapy to treat mood disorders due to their demonstrated efficacy, safety, and tolerability profiles. SSRIs may play an intricate role in treating hormone-mediated disorders that disturb the quality of life for women. Selected uses of SSRIs, specifically in the treatment of hot flashes, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and postpartum depression, are explored in this article. Data from several studies support the use of SSRIs in these conditions, and therefore, these agents have the potential to significantly improve mood, cognitive function, physical symptoms, and social functioning in patients with these disorders. In addition, SSRIs may prove to be viable alternatives to current therapies that may be contraindicated, poorly tolerated, or lack efficacy in patients with these disorders. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome PTSD is an anxiety disorder affecting individuals who have been exposed to a disastrous event, which may have threatened their lives or included witnessing tragic harm being afflicted. This disorder is most often related to individuals who have experienced combat. Patients are treated with an SSRI-Selective Serotonin Receptacle Inhibitors that have a calming effect on the body. The result for the patient is a calming effect on the body and reduction in the feeling of anxiety and aggression. Fibromyalagia Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread pain of the muscles and tendons accompanied by varied tender points all over the body and general fatigue. Fibromyalgia affects more women than men and occurs in 2 percent of the population in the United States. As serotonin is a pain-fighting hormone, it is frequently used to treat fibromyalgia. Many medical professionals agree fibromyalgia is caused by low levels of serotonin. Besides taking supplements, serotonin can be taken from natural sources of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that aids in the bodys production of serotonin and is found in soy, turkey, chicken, halibut, beans and cheddar cheese. General Stress Serotonins mood regulating neurotransmitters help alleviate stress in sufferers. People suffering from chronic stress benefit from supplementing their regular diet with serotonin, or tryptophan to increase its production. In some cases, using lavender can induce feelings of calm and happiness. Known as a feel good hormone, serotonin is actually lowered by high levels of stress and therefore must be added back. Ways to increase serotonin levels: Eat healthy Free Range Turkey Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is present, in different amounts, in all protein foods. This amino acid is the building block for the neurotransmitter serotonin. Flaxseed/ Flaxseed oil As well as being great for fat loss, flaxseeds are great foods that raise serotonin levels because they contain both tryptophan and high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. 60 percent of the brain is made of structural fats, and omega 3 fatty acids make up a large proportion of brain nerve cells. Wild Fish and Sea food = Fatty fish like wild salmon, sardines and herring are rich in oils containing the essential fats EPA and DHA. Both of these long chain fats have been shown in trials both to smooth the mood swings of bipolar disorder and to ease regular depression. Whey protein = Whey protein has gained a greater and greater reputation as a super-food over recent years. Whey has been shown to regulate appetite, improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels, bolster the immune system and has been shown to be the ideal protein source to use around workout time. Bananas High quality Eggs Sour Cherries Free Range Beef Dark Chocolate Cocoa is well known to increase serotonin levels in the brain the trick is not to eat so much that you crash a few hours later. Similarly most chocolate is clearly high in sugar and will spike blood sugar levels causing serotonin levels to plummet when your blood sugar crashes.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tennysons Ulysses and The Lotos Eaters Essay examples -- Poetry Tenny

Tennyson's "Ulysses" and "The Lotos Eaters" The great hero Odysseus has captivated readers throughout the ages. It is no surprise that the Victorian poet Tennyson not only read the Odyssey but wrote poetry about Odysseus as well. In the poems 'The Lotos Eaters' and 'Ulysses,' Tennyson remains true to the legends, but he infuses the characters with the ethos of his own day and his own experiences. 'The Lotos Eaters' recalls the Homeric legend that has Odysseus and his men passing through an island that grew magical fruit. Anyone who ate of the fruit would ?forget the way home? (Bk 1X, line 97). Odysseus sent three men to scout the land. They tasted the fruit and had to be dragged back to the ship protesting and crying, by Odysseus. No word is mentioned about why the sailors had to be dragged back to the ship, weeping. No word of what they wanted so badly to forget. Tennyson, in 'The Lotos Eaters,' fills us in on why he thinks the sailors were bone-tired and why they wanted rest. ?All things have rest and ripen towards the grave/ in silence; ripen, fall, and cease: / Give us long rest or death, dark death, or dreamful ease.? It serves as a parenthetic explanation to Homer?s legend. However, the specific nature of and reason for their weariness is Tennyson?s own creation. ?Why should we toil alone, / we only toil, who are the first of all things? while the ?flower ripens in its place, / ripens and fades, and falls, and hath no toil, fast-rooted in the fruitful soil?? The speaker rages against the human condition that has humans seek endlessly for the path to their fruition. It isn?t encrypted into their soul as it is in the soul of the fruit which blossoms and ripens without effort. For the... of nature, and not his own soul. Both heroes are victorious through the powers of their intellect, but what they seek to overcome, and what they seek to understand, is vastly different. Though Homer wrote his epic over two thousand years ago, it still excites the modern reader; though Dante wrote his poetry nearly one thousand years ago, his language and sinful characterization are captivating; and though Tennyson wrote his poetry over one hundred years ago, its pain is fresh and was a precursor to the existential pain of the modern man. Works Cited: Tennyson, Alfred. "Ulysses." The Norton Introduction to Literature. Eds. Jerome Beaty and J. Paul Hunter. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 1998. 1139-41. Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. ?The Lotus Eaters.? The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2000. 1208-1213.

All about star wars :: essays research papers

Star Wars, by George Lucas, is an excellent movie. This movie is filled with archetypal and mythic patterns , and the ideas represented in the film are essential ingredients to human emotion . The most obvious idea represented by the movie is religion. Good versus Evil, Light versus Dark, and the Rebels versus the Empire -- these are all spiritual overtones in the elaborate story line. The religious connections become apparent when aspects of the movie are analyzed. Star Wars opens with a deserted desert planet where the viewer is introduced to the main character, Luke Skywalker, and his aunt and uncle. Luke is a young kid who yearns for adventure, he is gifted with a strong grasp of "The Force", a mystical ability to manipulate the environment with one’s mind. At first, Luke is unaware of his gift, and unsure of his beliefs. He is guided by a old wise man named Obi-Wan Kenobi, A once Jedi Knight. Jedi Knights were once the protectors of the galaxy but are all but extinct. Obi-Wan provides guidance for the young Skywalker, teaching him how to use his gift for good. Once Luke lets go of his mental block, and is able to feel the force, Obi-Wan tells him "You've taken your first step into a larger world." The force is a religion that is not only an idea, but seems to have physical properties to it. It's all powerful, like a God, but yet the Jedi have found a way to interact with it. The force is balanced between good and evil, providing room in the galaxy for both. Obi-wan describes the force as "†¦what gives the Jedi his power... It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together.† Also on the good side of The Force, there are the Rebels, and Princess Leia. It is interesting to note that all of the foot soldiers of the Rebel Alliance wear helmets which are open faced, so that the viewer can see the face of the rebel, and humanize them. Princess Leia represents the damsel in distress that is held captive by the evil lord, Darth Vader. The Princess is dressed in a white gown to show innocence, purity, and truth. There are also characters in Star Wars that are somewhat neutral when it comes to The Force.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Quakerism in Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays

Quakerism in Jane Eyre    Quakerism is mentioned many times in Jane Eyre. Beyond the explicit descriptions of Quaker-like appearances or behaviors, many parts of Quaker lifestyle are also used in a less obvious manner in Jane Eyre. Quakerism would have been known in the Yorkshire moors where Charlotte Bronte grew up and near where Jane Eyre lived, especially since that is where the religion began (Moglen 19; Barbour and Frost 27). As a more moderate approach to denying the self than Evangelicalism, Quakerism seems to be embraced in the novel. Unlike Mr. Brocklehurst's or St. John River's philosophy (Bronte 95, 98; ch. 7), Quaker simplicity does not mean asceticism or forbidding earthly joys, though it does mean rejecting indulgence (Barbour and Frost 44). Jane frequently associates herself with the Quakers, more formally known as the Society of Friends, particularly in her clothing and manners. She says of herself, "I was myself in my usual Quaker trim, where there was nothing to retouch-all being too close and plain, braided locks included, to admit of disarrangement" (160; ch. 14). Later she says she is merely Mr. Rochester's "plain, Quakerish governess" (287; ch. 24). Simplicity is one of the Quaker's "testimonies," which included plain clothing of black, brown, or gray (Barbour and Frost 44). Jane wears black for her everyday outfit and her more formal dress is of gray (151; ch. 13). Even when Mr. Rochester insists on buying her new silk dresses, she persuades him to purchase only black and gray ones (296; ch. 24). Jane resembles the Quakers in more than what she tells us. Her childhood sympathies mirror Quaker teachings. From her earliest childhood, she sees her disposition as "passionate, but not vindictive," and not inherently bad, as Mrs. Reed does (64-5, 68-9; ch. 4, 267; ch. 21). The Quakers believe that babies "were born innocent and [that] children retained their innocence until they reached an age of reason" (Barbour and Frost 115). The taint from "original sin" is not embraced by Jane nor by Quaker doctrines. Furthermore, Jane sympathizes early on with the plight of slaves (43; ch. 1, 44, 46; ch. 2). Quakers think slavery is barbaric, cruel, and inhumane, and were one of the first religious sects to denounce it (Barbour and Frost 119). Part of Quaker education is to study the Bible and to learn how to "dress and speak plainly, to control one's temper, to accept moderation in outward desires, and to act with a becoming sobriety of manners" (Barbour and Frost 190, 115-6).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Health and Social Care Act Essay

Legislation: Health and Social Care Act; the Medicines Act and The Misuse of Drugs Act. Guidelines could include the Nursing Midwifery Guidelines for the management of medicine administration – registered nurses have to abide by this set of guidelines and for paid carers, the General Social Care Council’s Code of Conduct will have something which could relate to medication. Policy – for example – consider the Government’s drive to ensure people with dementia are not over medicated – so their policy is currently designed to ‘push’ the professionals responsible for prescribing to bear in mind the effect of drugs on frail elderly people and to consider alternative treatments such as activities and therapies. Other examples of policy might be the Government’s drive to limit the prescribing of antibiotics to reduce the incidence of resistant strains of bacteria. Protocols – a protocol is a procedure and you could outline your company’s procedure (protocol) for disposing of controlled drugs or medication in general. 2- Know about common types of medication and their use. Antibiotics- The most common side effects of antibiotics affect the digestive system. These occur in around 1 in 10 people. Side effects of antibiotics that affect the digestive system include: being sick feeling sick diarrhea bloating and indigestion abdominal pain loss of appetite Ibuprofen- Ibuprofen can cause a number of side effects. For this reason, take lowest possible dose of ibuprofen for the shortest possible time needed to control your symptoms. Common side effects of ibuprofen include: nausea (feeling sick) vomiting (being sick) diarrhoea (passing loose, watery stools) indigestion (dyspepsia) abdominal (tummy) pain Antihistamine- Common side effects of first-generation antihistamines include: drowsiness impaired thinking dry mouth dizziness constipation blurred vision an inability to fully empty the bladder (urinary retention) Drugs like insulin (blood has to be taken from a pinprick so that glucose can be measured before the insulin can be given); warfarin to thin the blood – again blood levels must be checked regularly; digoxin to slow and steady the heart (pulse should be checked prior to administration and advice taken if the pulse dips below 60 beats per minute) Common adverse reactions might be diarrhoea (some antibiotics for example); skin rashes; nausea – through to serious adverse reactions such as anaphylactic shock (facial swelling, blistering of the skin, wheezing and hives) leading to total system collapse and (if not treated with adrenalin) death. The different routes of medication administration are orally, injection/intravenous, creams, and liquids. 3- Understand procedure and techniques for the administration of medication. The required information from prescriptions and medication administration charts are medication name, the name of the person the mediation is prescribed f or, dosage, frequency/PRN and medication strength. 4- Prepare for the administration of medication. Standard precautions for infection control would be hand washing, ppe for  example gloves and aprons etc. In a structured health care setting, medication would be administered to the patient or resident or client by a nurse, such as an RN or LPN – whoever was assigned to be the med nurse. In other facilities, medication is administered by persons with med cert’s (certification training to administer meds). It’s a very specific, precise duty. Meds are secured in locked rooms, areas, and carts. No one is allowed access except the med nurse or scheduled med cert. (person). Meds have to be administered in the correct dosage, which can only be according to a doctor’s prescription. Dosage cannot be altered unless a doctor alters or updates the Rx. The person administering the meds must observe the person they administer them to and ensure that they took them. Pocketing meds (in the cheek), or refusing meds are handled according to the person’s meds and orders. Sometimes it is marked as declined / refused meds. Sometimes, it is documented that they did not swa llow it initially and had to be encouraged, etc. or whatever happened according to the facilities guidelines. Meds are always, and must be, administered and documented accurately when they are administered (contemporaneously). Meds are prescribed to be given sometimes at certain intervals. If the med is a few minutes late, no one is to assume that it was already administered, and skip it. Likewise, if it is offered a little early and that is appropriate according to the order, the med, or the patient request, etc. and it is not documented correctly and contemporaneously, and a second dose is administered, assuming it is on time, and assuming falsely that it was not recently administered (upon request or whatever the circumstances were), then the patient would have been given an incorrect dosage, more than they were prescribed. You know that with some meds, that could be very a very serious overdose, sometimes terminal. They do try to put many checks and balances in place to prevent as much human error as possible, but it can happen. The consequences are usually pretty severe. A med cert would automatically lose their med certification, and they would be disciplined up to, and including, termination. With a licensed nurse, I’m not as sure of the procedure, but I’m fairly certain it would definitely include reporting the med error or  abuse, suspension without pay, an internal (or perhaps external) investigation, and disciplinary actions up to and including termination. Also, unauthorized access and theft of prescription medications – whether by the assigned med nurse, or an outside party, would automatically involve criminal charges. And of course, criminal charges are always a possibility in the other two scenarios I presented above for med certs and nurses, depending on the laws, the circumstances, and the outcome of the investigations. Like I said, very serious consequences. And it’s not like someone could just take a med and it could go unnoticed. med admin documentation is reviewed / audited at least daily, if not more often, and if someone was suspected of confiscating meds, such as narcotics, the building, in some agencies would go into lock-d own and staff could / would be subjected to a search.